metaphors referring to animals 뜻
- 동물에 대한 비유
- metaphors: 은유
- animals: 마리
- metaphors referring to birds: 새에 대한 비유
- metaphors referring to food and drink: 음식에 대한 비유
- metaphors referring to places: 장소에 대한 비유
- metaphors referring to war and violence: 전쟁과 폭력에 대한 비유
- referring domain: 참조 도메인
- metaphors by reference: 대상별 비유
- of animals: 동물적인
- the animals: 애니멀스
- admirer of animals: 동물성애자
- american animals: 아메리칸 애니멀스
- animals and humans: 인간과 동물
- animals by adaptation: 적응별 동물
- animals by location: 장소별 동물
기타 단어
- "metaphorical" 뜻
- "metaphorically" 뜻
- "metaphorize" 뜻
- "metaphors" 뜻
- "metaphors by reference" 뜻
- "metaphors referring to birds" 뜻
- "metaphors referring to food and drink" 뜻
- "metaphors referring to places" 뜻
- "metaphors referring to war and violence" 뜻
- "metaphors" 뜻
- "metaphors by reference" 뜻
- "metaphors referring to birds" 뜻
- "metaphors referring to food and drink" 뜻